Yaseen Tariq

I am Yaseen Tariq and I am a self-taught embroidery artisan living in Bilal Town of Gujranwala. Prior to joining Kaarvan Crafts Foundation I had about 30 years of home-based work experience in my neighborhood of Haripur. After my marriage, I moved to Gujranwala. Connection begets connection. I am humbled that life’s dots connected beautifully — supportive husband, space for personal and intellectual growth in Kaarvan’s Gujranwala Institute. I feel completely at home in the training institute. After completing the training program session and becoming familiarized with process, I am now a trainer as well as the admin for the Kashmir road Gujranwala center. I think self-confidence is key to walking through life and not being hindered by social road bumps that come in your path. I dream of better education — a better future for my children and don’t want them to rely on anyone. My heart fills with joy seeing my children making the most of their lives and I feel contented.