
The right to a dignified livelihood is a key indicator of happiness.

The right to a dignified livelihood is a key indicator of happiness.

To spread happiness is mark of social progress and the goal of public policy. Fellow change makers we need to embrace an integrated holistic developmental approach that carters to both human dignity and integrity of an individual. We must honor the sacredness of human life — dignity. Also be steadfast to integrity — to multiple aspects of a person that include physical, intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual life. To attain happiness — economic resources, equal opportunities, democratic participation, self-freedom, and sustainable environment must be distributed. It is time to reclaim our imaginations. Not too be constrained by patriarchal worldview but to look beyond the allotted structures. We need to reexamine our lives, our homes, our work and our standards. To be aware that gender like any social construct is dynamic and changeable concept. We need to be wary of pre-determined dispositions of what it is to be a woman or a man. Lets be thoughtful in our every action, gesture and attitude — to be a little more gender sensitive and respectful of our biological and cultural differences. Everyone has a right develop their own bodies, minds and spirit.

Kaarvan does this by providing life skills to women in rural areas of Pakistan. These skills are opportunities towards attaining economic and material goods. Skills to develop self-confidence and ability move freely. Skills to participate in local decision-making. Skills to craft a living as right to development, right to peace and right to healthful environment.

To spread gender sensitivity and equality and we need to come together and work more collectively. We need to occupy our culture! Together let us dream, imagine, and create a new structure of the future, which is more peaceful — a gender-responsive space.