Take Action

There are many ways to contribute and create a gender-sensitive community. In the hustle and bustle of daily life choose your level of engagement.


Modern cuts fused with ethnic patterns. Come celebrate the culture and heritage of Punjab and KPK. Buy directly from the artisans and be part of the community.

Create An Event

Create An Event

Share your knowledge with your community by hosting an awareness event. This could be at school, at a park or at a cafe. Choose your medium of communication for the event: a presentation, video, concert, performance or informational piece that sparks discussion to your guests.

Start A Club

Start A Club

Creating a club is fun way for people to study and explore a gender-responsive vision. You! Youth are the ones who are crafting the future and defining our culture. Take ownership of building an inclusive society. Reach out and recruit members. Set goals for your club. Think of the activities or things you would like explore and unpack together. Partner with Kaarvan to raise public awareness about gender equality and its role in society.

Be Creative

Be Creative

USE YOUR TALENTS FOR CREATIVE EXPRESSION. Express yourself through art, design, dance, theater, songs, web design, animation, audio production, film, fashion or any other talents you might have to have your voice heard and stand up for what you believe in. What talents do you have that you can use to get people engaged about gender perspective?

Get Connected

Get Connected

Use social media to get your voice heard. Join groups online and meet the global network.

Start A Discussion

Start A Discussion

Become a facilitator of dialogue, practice listening to different points of view and encourage involvement from the whole group so that everyone gets the opportunity to participate while keeping the discussion on track. Collectively define some core issues and envision some possible scenarios to tackle it. See our Tangible Thought Experiment for ideas on how to start the discussion with your group.

Become a Thought Tinker 

Join the community in uncovering the dynamics of gender-responsive society. Express your personal interest by filling out the form below.

    What is your level of engagement?

    please check all that apply

    Face-to-Face / Hands-on Interaction (Field Visit)More comfortable working remotely (Online Platform)Something In-between like a Making-Session (Institution Workshop)Open to Suggestions (Write your own idea)

    What is your medium of creative expression?

    PaintingSketchingWritingPoetryPhotographyFilmPerformance ArtsDigital ArtMusicDanceSingingSculptureNeedle work

    Which time frame works best for you?

    please check all that apply

    FlexibleWeekdaysDaytimeEveningsWeekendsSummer VacationWinter Vacation