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Keeping the Kalasha Spirit Alive | Kaarvan Crafts Foundation

Keeping The Kalasha Spirit Alive

Craft Sector Trainings in Kalasha Valleys funded by SDC in collaboration with UNESCO and Kaarvan Crafts Foundation carried out design aesthetics handicraft workshops with objective to enhance skills, aesthetics, and introduce market linkages to Kalasha artisans. Kalasha culture is on the brink of disappearing. By incorporating multiple elements from their culture such as their handicraft, floral motifs, weaved belts, bead work and shells to everyday wear for urban society the idea is to spread awareness of Kalasha culture through tangible product experience. At the same time persevere the traditional attire as it is in the valleys of Hindu Kush. This pilot project has just begun Kalasha artisans exposure to skills for product enhancement and designing for market demands. Kalasha community requires a deep dive into the competitive needs of the market and to let go of being dependent on outside aid. The community needs to move out passivity and take a much more active role of protecting and promoting their culture through fashion and storytelling.

Design For The Market

fused Kalasha cultural elements on kurtas, tote bags and mobile pouches

Weaving Identity

awareness of multifaceted heritage

Digital Enablement

of Kalasha Artisans on &

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